Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is There a Place in Space for Mankind?

Space exploration is a topic that has been discussed and researched for decades now and will continue to be for centuries to come. While the average individual lives their life here on Earth, other brilliant minds are at work trying to learn exactly what dwells in outer space and if other life forms truly exist. These experts in their respective fields of science have to determine a number of factors when discussing space travel and exploration. As of now, mankind’s technology lacks the ability to travel and explore places in the universe that would be beneficial to the study of space exploration. However, future generations will continue to work together to build on old technology and achieve the goals of space exploration. The goals of future space exploration include three things: establish a base of operations in space, discover other life forms, and search for other habitable planets. To accomplish this, engineers and scientists must develop spacecraft and other equipment that will allow more exploration opportunities. New discoveries in outer space affect everyone in some way. Just when one thought that mankind had discovered everything in the world, space exploration will bring new discoveries and possibilities for human expansion in the future.

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